It’s commonly believed that as soon as man could rub two rocks together he created porn, however, it was Luigi Ug (457,671 BC to 457,635 BC) who first depicted copulation.
Luigi’s parents were hunter-gathers, as were their parents before them. In fact, according to Luigi, there isn't a time when his ancestors weren't hunter-gathers.
“The line of work people in my clan end up doing is all but set-out from birth,” Luigi explained, "so we don’t worry all that much about job security. We hunt and we gather, with one taking precedence over the other according to the season.
Creating porn is a part-time gig for me, more of a hobby than a vocation. But then, you know, I can’t distinguish work from play and play from veneration. Making tools, hunting, gathering, cooking, telling stores around the campfire—it’s really all the same thing, in my opinion. It’s all just life’s mysterious grandeur.
Breathing, eating, sleeping, fucking, would you call any of that work? Or would you say they're all part of the same miracle for which we ought to give thanks?
“We are all miraculous, and sexy."
- Luigi Ug
Luigi told me his early cave paintings were standard motifs.
“Animals and hunting scenes,” he said, “it’s important to paint, to ensure a good hunt. But still, I wanted to do my own thing, create my own style. That’s why I kicked-off erotic art.
I was watching a group of my kin fuck and I thought, ‘how beautiful is this!’ It was then I realized I could immortalize them on a cave wall.
From then on, there was no going back. My first solo exhibition was a smash, and thereafter, everyone wanted to be painted fucking.
After a while, I got into sculpting too. That whole Venus figurine craze, I stared that. My figurines aren’t exactly life-life, but that’s the artistic license for you. I try to capture the essence of women, even though deep down, I know that's a divine impossibility. I find women a thrilling mystery, as all men do.
Adolescent boys like to carry my figurines about, you know. Boys are visual creatures so they appreciate something portable that they can jerk-off to."
I asked Luigi what he thought about the stereotypical, brutish caveman who clubs women over the head to have his fleshy way with them.
“What a load of ignorant garbage!” he laughed.
“If wasn’t such a forgiving guy, I’d say your vulgar view of the stone-age is somewhat offensive.
I don’t do any violent imagery. No of us like that sort of thing It would never sell.
Why would a chap want to club a woman over the head for a shag anyhow? We fellas are exhausted from fucking as it is.”