Few dolphins play the trumpet. Why is this so? It’s a question that has puzzled musicologists for decades. However ground-breaking new research may have finally solved this mystery.
Early theories on the non-playing of trumpets by dolphins centred around the species supposed dislike of jazz.
In their natural habitat, dolphins are yet to be observed either listening to, or producing jazz. As the theory goes, this staunch aversion to jazz carries over into a consequential dislike of all instruments associated with jazz.
However, a new research paper submitted to Nature Magazine refutes this claim.
Dr Karl Schweinberg of the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, in Germany, has made startling new discoveries in the field of Dolphin Non-Trumpet Playing.
“The Jazz Aversion Theory was put forward by a bias group of jazz-hating marine biologists. They wanted to demonstrate jazz is only enjoyed by the human species, and is thus of low musical merit.” - Dr Karl Schweinberg